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Weight Gain and Weight Loss with Ayurveda

Weight Gain with Ayurveda

While there are many out there who want to cut down on the calories and get into the perfect shape, there are also people like you, who want to gain weight and flaunt the perfect figure. Both the end of the spectrums (obese and underweight people) aim towards just one thing – getting into the right shape. This article is aimed at both the spectrums, with sure-to-work and authenticated tips from the house of Ayurveda.

People who want to gain weight, here are natural tips and tricks for you to add to your body mass at the right places.

Weight Gain with Ayurveda

Nutritionally-dense Diet

Your calorific intake per day must increase. If you’re more into sparkling water, soda, etc. then let go of them – your body doesn’t need any empty calories. It rather needs calorie-rich foods to add to your body mass. Nuts, seeds, carb-rich potatoes, yam, bread, cheese etc. will help you achieve your goal of feeding your body with calorie-rich food. Ensure that you add these foods to every meal and you’ll be sorted!

Call for Proteins

You need to build your muscles, in order to add to your body mass. High-protein meals along with carbohydrates can add to your body muscle weight, thereby increasing your overall body weight. For this, you’ll have to indulge yourself in healthy protein-rich snacks, protein bars, natural protein shakes, and cheese-filled sandwich. Another small tip is to keep snacking between two meals.

Safe Supplements

While we say safe, we mean Ayurveda. Other than herbs, all the made up chemical-rich formulas out there, which promise to be safe and add to your body weight are just poisonous to your system. Plus, they will cause sure shot consequences and side effects, which might affect major organs in your body. In order to give your body that extra supplement to gain weight, other than indulging in the above tips, approach nothing but Ayurveda. Though herbs take a little time to add to your body weight, they are permanent, safe, and side-effects free.

Weight Loss with Ayurveda

Coming to the other side of the spectrum, this section is for those who want to lose weight in the safest and natural way. Before we start up, remember there’s no overnight miracle or a single pill to cut down your calories and get you into the perfect stature and figure. Working out is the primary and proven method to lose weight. These tips will work perfectly when combined with working out, such as walking, jogging, yoga, etc.

Say it with Cinnamon

Cinnamon sticks can melt your body fat and keep them mobilized and exercise-ready for you. Start your day with half a lemon, one spoon of cinnamon powder, and a teaspoon of honey, all stirred up in a glass of lukewarm water. Starting your day with mobilizing your accumulated body weight will prep your body for workouts. If you then follow it up with walking or jogging, you will see yourself losing weight, faster.

Green Tea Mantra

Sometimes your body doesn’t know the difference between being thirsty and being hungry. You might feel thirsty, but your body might make you feel you’re hungry. This will lead you to stuff yourself with unwanted junk. Instead, if you choose to drink green tea, at least twice a day or in between your meals, it will help quench your body with fluids and improve your anti-oxidant levels too. When your anti-oxidants are built upon, they will help your body in fighting infections. Green tea will keep you hunger and thirst-free for a couple of hours and feed your body with rich content needed to lose weight.

Reduce the “S&S”

By “S&S”, we refer to salt and sugar. Your body has enough sodium levels and sugar levels to manage itself. You will need to reduce those intake and not cut down on it. If you are used to adding two teaspoons of sugar to one mug of your tea, reduce it to one teaspoon. These small reductions will make a big difference in your journey of weight loss.

Try these tips and let us know how they helped you. Get set and beat the drums now to get started with your agenda of weight loss or weight gain with Ayurveda!

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