Products  »  Rejuvenation  »  Vigropac Capsule: 60 Capsules

Vigropac Capsule: 60 Capsules

  • Vigropac Capsules
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Your Price: US $ 40.00
Model:  Capsule  | Brand: Product

  • Product Information

Vigropac Capsules:

Vigropac Capsules are natural herbal formula for Rejuvenation. 


Take one to two capsules at night half an hour before bed time, preferably with milk or warm water. Please keep in mind that it is always prudent to consult your physician for the correct dosage that is suitable for your current condition.

General Health TipsGeneral Health Tips

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Try to be happy always
  • Approach your partner positively without stress
  • Practice yoga and meditation to calm your mind
  • Eat balanced and healthy diet everyday
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol

Key Ingredients

  • Asparagus racemosa (Shatavari)
  • Withania somnifera (Asvagandha)
  • Mucuna pruriens (Kapikatchu)
  • Hygrophila spinosa (Kokilaksha)
  • Myristica fragrance (Jathiphalam)
  • Crocus sativus (Kesaram)
  • Curculigo orchioides (Musali)
  • Leptadina reticulata (Jeevanthi)

Further Reading and References:

  1. Abbas Ali Mahdi,Kamla Kant Shukla,Mohammad Kaleem Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 576962, Withania somnifera Improves Semen Quality in Stress-Related Male Fertility.
  2. Mohammad Kaleem Ahmad, M.Sc. Abbas Ali Mahdi, M.A., M.S., Ph.D.a, Kamla Kant Shukla, M.Sc.Najmul Islam, Ph.D.c, Singh Rajender, Ph.D.d, Dama Madhukar, M.V.Sc.d, Satya Narain Shankhwar, M.Ch.b, Sohail Ahmad, Withania somnifera improves semen quality by regulating reproductive hormone levels and oxidative stress in seminal plasma of infertile males.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is there any toxicity concern shown in the study of Vigropac Capsules?

Some herbal chemicals can induce mutations and can also be responsible for future mutations. Mutations are responsible for abnormal cell growth that could lead to toxicity and cancer. To test that there is no such effect, Vigropac Capsules have been subjected to comprehensive research study. Using analysis known as 'bacterial reverse mutation' method, Vigropac Capsules have been tested for mutagenicity, toxicity and carcinogenicity. The study showed that there was no significant finding for such toxicity.

Vigropac Capsule: 60 Capsules