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Love and Grace

  • Love & Grace
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  • Product Information

Love & Grace:

Holy basil ,Tulsi is a sacred plant well known for its Spiritual and healing abilities. Its adaptogenic nature lowers cortisol and combats with body’s negative response to stress & anxiety. It is good for the heart ,helps to keep it healthy .Tulsi removes congested mucous from the throat & lungs ,keeps the chest area light &healthy. It’s a cardioprotective herb provides significant protection against damaging effects of chemicals. Thulsi also helpful in Diabetes to keep the blood glucose under control. Its antioxidant activity help to combat with age related memory conditions like dementia & alzhiemers. Tulsi can absorb positive vibrations from the surroundings and ward off negative energies including harmful radiations.

Scientific researches reveal Tulsi’s benefits as

  • Powerful stress reliever
  • Promotes healthy immune responses
  • Natural antioxidant protects heart & liver
  • Protects against damaging effects of environmental radiation.
  • Regulates blood glucose level

What makes it special?

Love & grace contains sacred herb Tulsi additionally infused with siddha’s sound vibrations mentioned to activate connection to god through love. Love & grace aids to get more love ,care , generous mentality & confidence.


Each bottle contains 60 nos of Capsule

  • Each capsule contains

500 mg of Ocimum sanctum(Holy basil)Whole plant Extract

  • Other ingredients

Vegetarian capsule

Recommended Usage:

For Adult:1 capsule with food

Manthra Infused

Sound vibrations for Love & favor from God

Love and Grace