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Ayurvedic Healthy Weight Loss Tips
Weight gain has become a reported problem to everyone out there. The reason is food habits, lifestyle or a child’s delivery. Reasons unknown, your physical proof always puts you into lost thoughts about ‘how thin you were’ kind of thoughts. Well, weight burning is not a simple task, accepted, but with Ayurveda it is an achievable task with little efforts from your end. Excessive dieting and excessive exercise is not what Ayurveda recommends and so, it will be easy on you. Read through the following simple tips you can follow for weight loss.

Start your day in the organic way. As soon as you brush, have a glass of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice squeezed into it. This is an organic cleanser to your body.
Breaking a sweat is the next essential thing for you. 30-40 minutes of your favorite exercise; may be walking, jogging or yoga—don’t give up on this. Exercising is very important to the body. Keep it light and less strained.
Keep your meals to three per day. Forget the concept of square meals and split up the quantity of your usual meals from 3 to 5. This will reduce the incidence of temptation towards snacking.
If you cannot survive without snacking, then choose healthier options. Almonds, coconut water, sundal, sprouts etc. are Ayurvedic suggestions.
When it comes to fruits, eat with the season and region. Nature has blessed our country with suitable fruits for each season. Go by it and you will stay health. A few choices can be green leafy veggies during the spring and coconut water during the summers.
It is essential that you include all the 6 tastes-sweet, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent in your food. Even if not in a single food, try and cover all these tastes over a week’s time.
Do not be a couch potato. It is essential that you move around. You may be working or at home, doesn’t matter; after every meal move around a little. Avoid sleeping immediately after you have had your food.
Sleep early, wake up early. Waking up early will give you ample time for your daily chores and exercises. If you are a late person, you will only hurry up with your routine and you will not give time to yourself for some exercise.
Avoid salt. It is better to stick onto lower quantities of salt for weight loss.
Avoid potatoes and other roots, they have a lot of carbs and can add on to that firm fat content in your body.