Nine Foods to Boost Your Brainpower

Do you want to stay sharp in your next work meeting or enhance your nutrition during exam season? Then start paying attention to your diet. It can really pay off. Fuel your brain with the best foods to enhance mental stamina and develop memory and understanding.

Although, there is no single brain food to boost your memory and protect against age-related disorders such as dementia or Alzheimer’s, eating a healthy balanced diet may help to augment your memory, keep you sharp, and increase concentration. So, try to eat these 10 Foods for cognitive health and mood.

Nuts: Nuts are rich sources of Vitamin E and along with eggs, whole grains, brown rice, leafy green vegetables, it helps to prevent cognitive decline, particularly in elderly people. Nuts can help to shield healthy brain function. Eating more nuts may be good for the brain, as these foods contain omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which can promote healthier brain cells and less deterioration of the brain.

Nine Foods to Boost Your Brainpower

Wholegrains: Wholegrains help in improving focus and concentration. The skill to concentrate and focus arises from a sufficient, constant supply of energy (in the form of glucose) in our blood, to the brain. Attain this by choosing wholegrains that have a low-GI, which means they discharge their energy gradually into the bloodstream, keeping you mentally vigilant all through the day. It is always advisable to choose ‘brown’ wholegrain cereals, rice, granary bread, and pasta.

Eggs: Consuming eggs regularly can help in delaying brain shrinkage. B vitamins play a major role in regulating normal brain function and Choline, which is rich in egg yolk, is vital for the memory-boosting brain chemical, acetylcholine. Hence, it is better to opt for B-rich foods like eggs, fish, chicken, dairy, and leafy greens. If you are a vegan, then you can also opt for other useful vegan sources of B vitamins, including B6, avocado, nutritional yeast, nuts, soya, and seeds.

Blueberries: This fruit helps in boosting short-term memory. Blueberries contain a compound named anthocyanins that is effective in delaying or improving short-term memory loss. You can also achieve the same result by consuming red cabbage or blackberries.

Pumpkin seeds: It helps in boosting mood and enhancing memory. Pumpkin seeds are richer in zinc, a mineral vital for thinking skills and enhancing memory. Pumpkin seeds also have B Vitamins, stress-busting magnesium, and tryptophan, the pioneer to the good mood chemical serotonin.

Oily fish: Consume oily fish for a healthy brain function. The most effective omega-3 fats occur organically in oily fish in the form of DHA and EPA. Low DHA levels may be linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and memory loss. The omega-3 fats are vital for a healthy brain function, the joints, heart, and our general well-being. The main sources of oily fish include mackerel, salmon, sardines, trout, herring, pilchards, and kippers. The added advantage of using oily fish is that they contain these active fats in a ready-made form, which means the body can use them easily. Good plant sources include flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, soya beans, walnuts, and their oils.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes can help in preventing free radical damage to cells that occurs in the growth of dementia, mainly Alzheimer’s, due to the presence of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Other foods that supply similar protective phytonutrients are watermelon, papaya, and pink grapefruit.

Broccoli: Broccoli, a great source of Vitamin K, helps in improving brain power and enhances cognitive function. Broccoli is high in compounds called glucosinolates, which can decelerate the breakdown of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, needed for the central nervous system to function well and to keep our brains and memories sharp. Other foods rich in glucosinolates include cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts, whilst you can obtain vitamin K from hard cheeses, liver, and prunes.

Sage: Consuming sage can improve your concentration and enhance memory. Although most studies emphasize sage as an essential oil, it could be worth adding fresh sage to your balanced diet too. Having a nourishing, well-rounded diet gives our brain the best chance of avoiding disease.

There are several crucial connections between nutrients and brain health that are worth studying. If your diet is unbalanced, you may want to consider an omega-3 fatty acid supplement or a Memrich capsule to help make up a little of the requirements. Memrich capsule is a brain energizer formulated with the greatest herbs, that is helpful in making new concepts, clearer and easily understandable. It promotes protein synthesis in the nerves and brain cells thus increasing the brain’s mental capacity.

If you are thinking of taking a supplement it is best to discuss this with your healthcare professional to know the correct dosage for your present state.

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