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The Herbals Reveal Secrets
How stress affects your skin
Your skin texture and tone depends on a lot of external and internal factors. Apart from the well-known facts that your skin reflects how healthy your food is, and what care you take to protect it against pollution and environmental hazards, there are unknown reasons on why your skin will face problems. One such not-so-familiar reason happens to be stress. This is neither an internal nor external factor, but is a psychological factor that you face in your daily life. Stress can take a severe toll on your skin’s health.
When you take in a lot of stress and keep worrying for infinite things, your hormonal levels get intrigued and so, the frequency and flow of hormones get hassled in a great way. This not only affects your skin texture, but also the blood flow, health and several other health related factors.
If you have a skin problem that keeps coming back very often, you must look into the stress you are taking up and ways to handle it. Here are simple ways to keep off with stress:

- Water is the first and best medicine to hydrate your skin. It also cuts down your stress factor and keeps your skin supple and healthy enough.
- Fitness and exercise is the other mantra you have to stand with. Whatever your stress level is, it is important that you take time out for fitness activities. When you divert yourself and get indulged in exercising your body, this by itself will help you put away with stress.
- Practice your hobby, not matter how busy you are. Take your time out at least once in a week to do what you love. Be it playing, cooking or drawing; ensure that you practice your hobby.
- Instead of sitting over things which will worry you, walk around or listen to music and do things which will divert you. This will not only help you in putting away with stress, but will also ensure that your skin gets the right amount of nutrients flawlessly.
- Stress management techniques like breathing exercises and yoga are much essential to manage your work stress or personal stress. These activities not only help in keeping you at peace, but also will ensure that you are able to put away with work pressure or personal pressure at the right instance.
- Sleep, sleep and sleep. Ensure that you get your 8 hours of undisturbed sleep, however busy you might turn to be. Sleep is the most essential break in a day and it is the only factor which will put your brain to rest, even if it can’t pause down on brain’s functions. If you want to put away with stress affecting you, sleep is something very important, which cannot be negotiated on.
- Eat right. Even if you don’t get the time to sit down for a balanced meal, ensure that you keep snacking and crunching on healthy foods instead of the readily available fast foods. Food is the main thing that every stressed person compromises on. This is completely against your physical self and so, it is important for you to know that your body needs the right amount of nutrients to function properly.